Hey, hope you had a wonderful silly stringed birthday! ha ha! :)I just wanted to kinda tell you what was going on tonight. I didn't exactly get to talk to you, I guess I was just stunned...Anyways, I was just soaking in God's presence during worship. And it was like I felt or almost heard him speaking to me. It wasn't an audible voice but it was just like these words were tugging at my heart and I just knew it was from God.He was just telling me that I was his daughter and he wanted the best for me and to protect me. I have my own choices to make though, I can obey or I can ignore. I can fall into his plans. He gave me freedom to choose right and wrong. He told me that he was willing to pour blessings and love, onto us, and how we have to be open and just to receive it. And when Mrs. Ruthie was talking about being a lover, this song popped into my head. It was "See the way" by Misty Edwards.It says, "See the way he holds the stars in his hands. See the way he holds my heart..." "...God is a lover looking for a lover so he fashions me. God is a lover looking for a lover so he forms my heart." I was just thinking how imminent God is. It's like I was sorta shocked at how everything he was telling me was like what everyone was saying. (if that makes sense) And when the message was talking about Abraham counting the stars in the heavens, and comparing it to descendants; that song popped in my head again. There are so many stars. I remember when I was little I would count the stars becasue Abraham would have that many kids, and I thought that's alot of children! oops, kinda rambling on... I have learned that I don't have to be perfect because only God is perfect and he's here to help you. And that when I'm broken that I can just run into his arms of love and grace. I don't have to hide from him. He loves me. I also now know that if I want God's blessing and outpouring of goodness, I just have to be open to it and receive it. It's almost like salvation, a free gift.Anyways, sorry this message is long! and for all the bouncing around. I just felt like telling you this. God is just awesome. That's all I'm gonna say!
starry_amazement! That is so awesome! Thank you for sharing that with me. Yes, our God is so good and what you were experiencing was definitely from Him. I can almost see Him smiling right now because you have realized something new about Him and He is so happy that you are pursuing Him more and more. And you are absolutely right, you don't ever have to run from Him, because He loves you so much has so much more that He wants to give you.Keep pursuing Him more every day! Thanks again for sharing this.
Yes, I replaced my name with starry_amazement, internet protection! haha, but just thought you should see this. I actually wrote this Wednesday night, so it wasn't that long ago. But if you're reading it like a year later then it's a loooonngg time ago. Just a little testimony. Now I must be off to a graduation party! Yaahh! =]
Hey Starry=)
ReplyDeletehaven't seen ya in ever! How's school? How's Victoria? How's Bethany? How's Sophia? How about ur parents? How are you? I'm getting crowned soon and OMG i'm nervous i haven't taken the test yet! I'm taking gymnastics and I placed in my last meet! I'm in level 4 now and there's too much to say for just a comment! I will send something in the mail. The reason I didn't is because my schedule got 80% busier. Please email us sometime! LYLAS TTFN!