Below is a list of some activities/ideas/things that I'd like to do this summer, or that I am doing....
- READING - I have so many books I'd like to read right now.. I borrowed a bunch from the library and still have some at home I can read. I am booked with books! Also if you know any reeeeeaaally good books to read, let me know because I go through books like water.
- 1 project- This is just a paper for my Honors History class next year. But you'd probably don't want to hear about that soo ahem.......
- Cooking/Baking- Not too many recipes that require the oven though because it is too HOT!! Popsicles and smoothies and cold stuff=the solution. I planned on waking up early to make breakfast for the fam tomorrow, but I really don't want to wake up early. I'll have to do that some other time when I'm more prepared.
- Swimming/Sprinklers/Water Balloons/ Water Guns/Water Fights- 'nuff said.
- Sleepovers- There's a few friends that I'll hang out with in the neighborhood and from church :]
- Adventures- hehehe I'll post more on this later.
- Crafts crafts crafts- I am going to be so creative this summer, it's not even funny. At least that's what I've planned.
- Exercise- I'd like to make better habits... hopefully.
- More Jesus time- I'd adore spending more time just spending time with God.
- many more ideas that I can't even piece together right now because it is 10:30 and I can't think very straight at night it's super insane and do you like my run-on sentence?
I love you all!
p.s. I forgot to mention.. tomorrow I'm going to be playing broomball at an ice rink with my youth group. check.YES!
p.s.s. do you like how my background is like a party? yeah? summer is a partaaaay! whoo hoo :D
Hey! Since you mentioned reading, just thought I'd tell you about somereally good books:
ReplyDelete1. "Departures" by Robin Jones Gunn! I reviewed it for Multnomah, and I gave it 4.5 stars but it was really worth five!
2. "The Seraph Seal" by Leonard Sweet and Lori Wagner! I'm currently reading it and reviewing it for Thomas Nelson, and it's pretty big so it's gonna be awhile with me being a slow reader, but I have it sorted!
My summer won't be too exciting, but oh well. I'm mainly excited for August to come around so I can go to Arizona! And September 6th will be the day: first day of school AND Deas Vail is coming out with an album that day!
"It's the best thing!!!"
I'll be sure to check those books out.
Aww I wish I was in Arizona to see you!!
I think my school starts around the same time as you...