Monday, July 11, 2011

As of today... July the 11th.

Hey bloggies,
As of right now there is an ice pack to the left of my face. Why you may ask? On Friday, I got all four of my wisdom teeth removed. It still hurts and I'm trying to relieve the pain... I need to eat regular food again. I miss it. My diet consists of mostly of yogurt, mac n cheese, bread, and food that can be put into small pieces

  • I hope everyone is having a great summer so far. My grandparents visited during the 4th of July and we had plenty of fun with them.

  • I started keeping a notebook of the things I have done this summer, but that's not working out too well. I haven't really written much in it.

  • Yesterday, we got early birthday presents because my dad is not going to be there during our birthdays. I got a camera!! Yay! I probably would have screamed or smiled bigger, but I can't because my wisdom teeth does not allow it. I promise I won't break it.

  • Also my sister got her blog yesterday....
You, yes you, should definitely check it out... right here

It is called: Forever Happiness

And if you know her, she would love it if you followed. Also no stalkers please.

  • I was thinking about using my real name here instead of starry_amazement. The reason why I used that in the first place was because I was paranoid. I thought I would have stalkers. I guess I just wanted to be extra extra safe, which really did nothing.... So tell me what you think.

talk to all y'all later alligators,


haha ;]

1 comment:

  1. About the whole Starry_Amazement/Real name thing...

    I think it's fine to use your real name. But if you're REALLY afraid of stalkers, just don't use your last name. It's really okay as long as you're not a stalker's dream, saying things like, "Um.... I live on _______ Drive in ___ _____, California. I go to ___________ HS and will be graduating from there soon." As long as you're not too obvious, I think it's okay to use your real name.

    If you're comfy with "Starry Amazement", I don't mind. That's just what I think.


Please keep comments appropriate! Thanks so much!