Friday, April 2, 2010

Ferocious Tiger!

Well today in school was fun. They asked if you could be any animal what would you be? And I was in a great mood and I said I would be a ferocious tiger. So if you were wondering why is the post called that? Well, that is your reason why. I really, really want to be able to work harder on this blog... I think that I am inspired by one of my friends who writes a blog. She is so consistent with it and it's a great blog. She has an amazing blog! Ladies and gentlemen give it up for HOPE!!!

If you are reading this then, I just have to say I miss you!! I hope all is well, we got the letter and cards and cute scrapbook.

And the rest of my readers, you all should stop by and look at her blog. She has so many posts... And they are all wonderful to read. is the link for it!!! Check it.


Anyways, I just wanted to say that spring break was lots of fun. I was able to start it off with a really fun winter retreat with my youth group. My room was amazing and fun, I loved the leader, leaders, and my roomates, (plus the rest of everybody) The staff who hosted us were so much fun.. If you ever go on a winter retreat someplace go to Horn Creek its in Colorado. I think its by this place called Westcliffe. I think that many people may have heard of it.

So during the retreat we talked about spiritual gifts. We took the spiritual gifts test and the top 4 results for me were

1. Faith
2. Music
3. Knowledge
4. Healing

Now I know that not all these tests are always COMPLETELY accurate but this is really close for me anyhow. I think that spiritual gifts may even be a good topic to write about in the near future... But let me tell you its possible to grow in any spiritual giftings.

So my testimony from the retreat goes something like this-

First night- Felt God tangibly in my life. He hit me hard and I was on my knees in tears. I've been through a long time of questioning him and he showed himself tangible. (just sort of touchable if you know what I mean) I realized that I needed to rely on him for strength and not myself. I felt freedom from bondages of words that I or other people had spoken over me. ( these words were the ones that had hurt the must.) I was able to forgive and I was clean and no guilt in me.

(I also was able to speak of what happened that night without hesitation. Usually I don't have the right words to say, but with God through me I just spoke it to the people I was talking to about what had just happened)

Second (and last) night- During worship, something was really holding me back from giving my all. It took me awhile but I finally went up for prayer. (they were calling people up to be prayed over, I wasn't sure if I really wanted to but I did anyway with just a little bit of reluctance) Students started praying for me and I still felt something so they started praying again. (after awhile) I fell down because the Holy Spirit came and poured into me. After some more prayer (the thing that was holding me back) it was gone. I felt free and was filled with unstoppable laughter. When we started worshipping again, I was able to give my all. I felt like I was running full speed spiritually. I felt like I could breate again after being held under water. It felt free and amazing! God is so awesome!

These are the words that I wrote in the little journal I had on the trip. I actually didn't write during the trip. But as soon as I got home I wrote all that happened.

Also, there were many fun activities on the trip. The youth group was divided into four different teams known by Star Wars names. Such as there was a Yoda team, Obi Wan team, Mace windu team and Qui-gon Jinn. I was on the Qui-gon Jinn team. I honestly don't know like ANY Star Wars which is funny. Anyhow, our team got second place to the Yoda team. We had competitions and they gave us fake money for doing certain things or winning the team games. Like one of the things I did for the tiny, fake, paper, monopoly-like money was helping some leaders. I filled up a water bottle for my room leader for 100 dollars. I also carried jackets up the hill for 500. But some crazy boys ran up the hill in their boxers for 12,000 each. Their team ended up winning. For me I must have collected about 4,000 total but our team got 109,400 for our grand finale. The other team had about 30,000 more than us. The prize was a beanie with our youth group logo on it. It was black, oh well.

Anyways its late here. My parents are sleeping and I'm sleepy myself so I better go.

Love to all.


p.s. I'm working on fixing this blog by the way I need to change some things! or I might get bored... Suggestions for
layout, other, topics, etc.
I'm not changing it completely I'm just editing some pieces of it...


add on- or a p.s.

Today is Good Friday.
Can you believe that Jesus would die for your sins? He is perfect and yet he was punished for what we should've been punished. But he loved you and you and you enough to take c punishment. He wanted to spend eternity with you. Imagine that the Creator of the universe in love with you? Crazy huh? Yes, yes it is, crazily amazing.


  1. Awww! I miss you too!!!! And I miss Victoria, Bethany, and Sophia was a baby last I saw her, but I miss her too!

  2. And I also like your retreat diary thingy! I'm not filled with the Holy Spirit yet, but your story was cool. Just something always holds me back... like a gap that needs to be bridged between me and God.

    Also, when I went to camp last year, I took notes every night about everything. Loved it! Next year, it's junior high camp...


Please keep comments appropriate! Thanks so much!